Acronym of the National Commission for Computing and Freedoms. This French administrative authority guarantees the protection of citizens in the face of the digital world in terms of the management of personal data. Referent in her field, she checks that the law is respected and sanctions when this is not the case.
The CMS is a content management tool. This type of software makes it possible to design and publish documents on the internet, such as Wordpress or Wix for managing a blog.
Content marketing is a strategy for the company to create and distribute content in order to acquire new customers for free. This informative, useful or entertaining content can be presented in the form of news, videos, white papers, ebooks, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, quizzes, photos, forums, business blogs, etc. Content marketing is developing mainly through digital channels and in response to the new behaviors of connected customers.
Small text file stored on the user's terminal to identify them. It allows websites to recognize their visitors, thus to establish statistics, and potentially to address each one in a more personalized way.
Corresponds to the "cost per action", it is a remuneration for the result, which occurs each time a user performs an action defined as the objective of the campaign: for example filling out a form or making a purchase.
Represents the "cost per click", it is the cost paid each time a user clicks on the advertisement.
Stands for "cost per mile", it is a cost paid for 1000 ad displays.
These are pro software that make it possible to capture, process and analyze information relating to prospects and customers in order to optimize the efforts of sales teams. The end goal is to guarantee a more efficient customer relationship. Marketing automation tools must now be deployed with the company's CRM, in particular to ensure better consistency between marketing and sales activities.
These are all the content not generated directly by the company but from which it benefits for free (natural referencing, conversations on forums, blog articles, Wikipedia pages, tweets but also interviews or reports in the press ...). Essentially, these are conversations and user-generated content. The "Earned Media" makes it possible in particular to reinforce the credibility of the brand.
They can also prove to be strong selling points, especially when it comes to positive comments from consumers.
Marketing approach that aims to attract customers / prospects by gaining their attention through the dissemination of quality content: content that informs, educates and even inspires.
We are talking about inbound marketing as opposed to traditional marketing techniques (outbound marketing) which seek to attract the attention of the customer in a more intrusive manner.
Landing page or landing page is at the heart of the conversion process. It is this which will make it possible to convert visitors into leads by notably offering the premium content offer and the form intended to collect the personal data of its visitors.
This is a prospect who has issued a signal of more or less strong interest in the products or services of a brand by providing their contact details.
Content that the company creates itself (brochures, newsletter, customer magazine, website, Facebook page, press releases, events, packaging, stores, etc.). The advantages are numerous: control and precision, lower long-term cost, durability, better interaction with the targeted targets... They have become essential in the digital age.
Content that the company buys (advertisements in the press, TV spots, posters, web banners, adwords, SEA, etc.). The advantages of Paid Media are control of timing, content and distribution, speed of implementation and impact in terms of results.
Personas are fictitious representations that allow you to precisely characterize the motivations and behaviors of customers who choose to buy your products or services. They represent a strategic tool to convince its targets based on real data and some hypotheses.
Positioning brings the logic of the brain and the emotion of the heart to the corporate body. It allows to install the difference of a company compared to its competitors.
Opposed to SEO, SEA consists of buying keywords to be visible in the results of a search engine. We also speak of "Paid Search".
The SEM represents all the marketing techniques to make its brand and its solutions visible on search engines. The two main branches of SEM are SEO and SEA.
SEO is a set of so-called "organic" techniques that aim to optimize the visibility of a website on search engines. It is generally considered that a site is well positioned when it appears in the first ten results of an engine corresponding to a relevant keyword.
Refers to how the customer feels throughout their journey and points of contact with the brand, from upstream information research to post-purchase exchanges.